
Finding Your Brand’s Voice

Finding your brand's voice and tone is essential to a successful marketing plan. And yet this is no easy feat. Although we speak freely every day through language, when it comes to representing a company, it's a whole different game. It's not only what you say but how you say it that matters. Here are some tips for perfecting your brand voice and tone:

Nail Down the Differences

Many people believe that voice and tone are the same thing, and that just isn't true. Voice can be described using adjectives. For example, if your company is a makeup brand it can be seen as youthful or positive. On the other hand, tone is a little bit different. It refers to the way in which you write or speak, which can be based on several different factors like audience, channel, situation, etc.

Both of these are important for very different reasons. Tone embodies the ideals and values of your brand while voice is used as a device to engage with your audience. Tone and voice are different, yet equally important. Once you fully grasp the differences between the two, it's much easier to draft a marketing plan. 

Know the Three C's 

Bufferapp says that in the world of marketing, you need to develop a voice by first defining the three C's. Here is what they are:

  • Culture: You first need to know what your company stands for. Determine what will make you shine next to all the other companies out there just like yours. Find out what makes you unique, and use that as a device to develop your voice.
  • Community: Listening will work wonders for your business. It can help you understand how to speak with your customers.
  • Conversation: Find out what you add to the discussion. If you start with a goal in mind, it will make the entire process easier. 

Be Consistent 

Once you determine your voice, it's important that you stick with it. If you change the way in which you speak to you audience, odds are, your customers are going to get confused. If you wish to change the language, you're going to want to go through a rebranding and inform the audience beforehand. 

Give It Time

Cultivating a tone takes time. You're going to have to build up a audience through persistence and patience, but it typically results in a committed customer following. Remember that it doesn't matter what platform you use to expose your brand's voice. Whether you market your company on paper or through social media, time is the key to perfecting your tone. 

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