4 Things You Should Do in the Morning

Waking up at the crack of dawn isn't always pleasant, but doing so can make the working day that much better. Here are four things you can do in the morning to set up your day for success:

1. Plan Out Your Day
One of the first things you should do after you wake up is plan what you want to accomplish that day. Get out your personalized notepads and write down your tasks and goals. According to Jennifer Cohen, author of "No Gym Required – Release Your Inner Rock Star," the morning is a good time to do this because you often have quiet time.

"The early hours foster easier reflection that helps when prioritizing your activities," Cohen said in Forbes. "They also allow for uninterrupted problem solving when trying to fit everything into your timetable. While scheduling, don't forget about your mental health. Plan a 10-minute break after that stressful meeting for a quick walk around the block or a moment of meditation at your desk."

2. Meditate
If you want to improve your focus at work, try meditating in the morning. According to a 2012 study conducted by the Information School at the University of Washington, meditation can help you stay on tasks longer, ease your stress and prevent you from getting distracted. Find a quiet place in your home to meditate for 10 to 15 minutes before you head off to work.

3. Eat a Good Breakfast
If you often leave the house in the morning without eating anything for breakfast, it's time to make some changes. According to Everyday Health, people who don't eat breakfast often feel tired and irritable. Those who do, on the other hand, tend to concentrate better and have a more positive attitude in the office. If you don't have time to cook a big breakfast, at least have a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana.

4. Read the News
Whether it's at the breakfast table or on your back porch, take 15 or 20 minutes to read the latest headlines. By the time you get to work, you will know what's going on in the world and have plenty of interesting things to talk about with your colleagues.

Cindy Berrier

Cindy is the Customer Care and Operations Manager at 123Print. A native New Englander, Cindy now resides in Pennsylvania. She enjoys helping our customers and ensuring that the website runs smoothly. When she has downtime, she likes to spend time with her grandchildren and ride horses. Any questions, please contact her at cberrier@123print.com. [Check out Cindy on Google+]

Published by
Cindy Berrier

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