5 Off-Limits Conversations for the Office

Working in an office comes with a lot of etiquette guidelines. Some, like how to dress and how to act in client-facing meetings, may be explicit company policy. Others, like when to instant message someone rather than email him or her, may not be quite as clear. One guideline that is often not plainly stated (although it may sometimes fall under human resources policies) is what you should and should not discuss with your co-workers while in the office. Not only are some conversations inappropriate for the workplace, but others could even get you into serious trouble with your boss – even if you mention them to a co-worker outside of the office. Read on for five conversations that are off-limits in the office:

1. Interoffice Gossip
So, Mary is getting fired or John and his wife are going through a divorce. Not only is interoffice gossip typically none of your business, but it's also often hurtful or upsetting to the people who are being discussed. As a general rule of thumb, don't say anything about somebody you wouldn't say in front of him or her. And if you have co-workers who like to gossip around you, feel free to excuse yourself, or say, "I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable talking about this without John here – can we change the subject?"

2. Politics and Religion
These are the two classic hands-off conversation topics that you aren't supposed to bring up on first dates or at dinner parties, and especially not within the office. Political views and religious beliefs are both very personal and can cause serious tension, especially when people have wildly differing viewpoints. So, unless you're working in the White House or a religious institution, leave these two subjects alone.

3. Personal Relationships
You may consider your co-workers to be friends, but it's never a good idea to talk about the ups and downs of your personal relationships with them while you're at work. If a co-worker has just gotten married or engaged, feel free to chat about it. But topics like divorces, breakups and sex lives can make your surrounding colleagues feel uncomfortable, and are a little too personal to share within earshot of the entire office. If you and your co-workers do talk about these things, save them for after work.

4. Medical Conditions
The general rule of thumb when it comes to interoffice conversations is that talking about personal medical problems is a little too much information for the office. While a sprained ankle or other minor injury is OK to discuss, someone's recent invasive surgery or diagnosis should be off-limits. 

5. Your Career Plans
If you aren't happy at work and you're looking for another job, the office is most definitely not the place to bring that up. Not only is it disrespectful to your current company, but it could also easily be overheard by a co-worker or boss and spread quickly from there. Do your job and address any concerns you have with your boss, and if you are interviewing elsewhere, keep it mum until you've actually gotten another job and are ready to give notice.

Cindy Berrier

Cindy is the Customer Care and Operations Manager at 123Print. A native New Englander, Cindy now resides in Pennsylvania. She enjoys helping our customers and ensuring that the website runs smoothly. When she has downtime, she likes to spend time with her grandchildren and ride horses. Any questions, please contact her at cberrier@123print.com. [Check out Cindy on Google+]

Published by
Cindy Berrier

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