In your years running or working for a business, you’ve undoubtedly experimented with a range of advertising tactics. From billboards to radio spots to television commercials, today’s advertising options are vast. But, have you considered drive-by advertising? You’ve certainly seen those cars and trucks boasting company signs, giant company magnets and flashy logos. Imagine all of the potential customers you could attract in a single day on the highway. In fact, according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), one vehicle wrap can generate between 30,000 and 70,000 impressions daily. Imagine what an impact that can have on your customer base!
Here are three reasons why a drive-by advertising campaign could be your smartest decision yet. Go ahead and take that show on the road!
1. Drive-by advertising is a low-cost marketing option.
When compared with other popular advertising costs, the numbers are astounding. A business owner can purchase two large, custom car magnets from 123Print for $32.95. That’s a one-time cost, which, when added with the price of gas is but a fraction of costs incurred in other advertising arenas. For instance, the OAAA reports that a 30-second prime-time TV spot is $17.78 per CPM (cost per mile); a 60-second drive-time radio ad in the top-100 radio markets is $8.61 per CPM; a one-third, black-and-white page ad in a top-100 newspaper is $22.95 per CPM; and a four-color one-page ad in a top-23 magazine is $9.35 per CPM. A vehicle wrap, on the other hand, is $.77 per CPM. And a car magnet, with its one-time cost, is way less.
2. It’s easy to transform your vehicle into a moving advertisement.
Instead of investing huge dollars toward billboards or extensive, labor-intensive advertising campaigns, car magnets lend to a simple transformation that doesn’t require professional placement, or the purchase of multiple vehicles. Two simple magnets displaying a bright image can go a long way toward growing your business. Plus, after a long day of driving around town, you can remove the magnet simply, and there you go — you have your personal car again. Quick tip: Do make sure to measure your car before ordering a magnet. The small magnet you use on your Mini Cooper, for instance, may not work as well on your Chevrolet Suburban (which would likely require a larger size).
3. Unlike other forms of media, the drive-by audience continues to grow.
Despite the varying viewership numbers across television, radio, Internet and print publications, automobile traffic continues to grow, leading to greater exposure for your brand. According to the experts at wiseGEEK, “Tens of millions of Americans commute each day, by some estimates covering over 3-trillion miles annually.” Smart tip: Keep the customers interested with simple, minimal text and bright imagery. You have about four seconds to catch your customer’s attention, so let the image speak for itself. The same goes for text. Instead of listing every service you offer, pick one or two key words along with your company’s name and phone number or website address. This will make a greater impact on your potential customer than lengthy copy.
Have you used drive-by advertising for your business? Leave us a comment on our 123Print Facebook page, tweet us @123Print or write a note below.