Eeny, Meeny, Miny, MOBILE!

12 years ago

Google’s study agrees with our It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas infographic, confirming that 54% of consumers will start…

Secrets to Direct Mail Success

12 years ago

Pssssst. Hey you. Ya, you. The first secret is that ... direct mail is not dead. In fact, the DMA's 2012…

Is Your Business Prepared for Black Friday?

12 years ago

What do these three things have in common? The episode of “Friends” where Monica, Rachel and Phoebe all stand in…

Do You have a Bridal Style? Heck yeah!

12 years ago

Every bride-to-be has her own unique — excuse my French — “je ne sais quoi.” It’s a definitive style or…

Lights. Camera. Act Like You Know What You’re Doing.

12 years ago

Today many phones, webcams and most digital cameras are capable of taking a decent video. Yep, you read that right,…

Know No

12 years ago

How well do you know the term, “no”? Do you say it often enough? I don’t. In fact, this blog…

Holiday Marketing Timeline

12 years ago

True, the trick-or-treaters aren’t yet roaming the sidewalks, but marketers know it’s time to get things organized for the winter…

Your Office is the Window to Your Soul

12 years ago

What you have on your desk, your office furniture, pictures on the walls — everything in your office communicates something.…

To Gift or Not to Gift … That is the Question.

12 years ago

When it comes to showing customer appreciation, businesses around the country are faced with a similar question --- to gift…

3 Marketing Lessons from Oktoberfest

12 years ago

It might seem unlikely, but 16 days of beer drinking could actually improve your marketing. Um. Maybe we should clarify.…