Wedding Planning: 11 Little Things to Remember

13 years ago

While wedding planning should be one of the most exciting time in a bride-to-be’s life, I imagine it’s stressful. I…

6 Proofreading Tips

13 years ago

"I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In…

Moms Unite – Go Postal!

14 years ago

Mothers Against Cruel and Inhuman E-Mail (MACIE) have united in an all out effort to save our Post Office from…

Harry Potter and the Elaborate Wizard Wedding

14 years ago

Here at 123Print, I am the resident Harry Potter nerd. I take great pride in this title, despite the fact…

Wedding Stationery Give Away Winner Announced!

14 years ago

We’d like to offer a big CONGRATULATIONS KIMBERLY HULSEY of AUSTIN, TEXAS Kimberly recently won our huge wedding stationery give…

16 Words That May Toss Your Email into the Spam Folder

14 years ago

Spam. People hate it and wish it would just stop showing being delivered to them at all. No. I’m not…

One Man’s Wedding Lessons Learned – The Wedding Invitation Wording Edition

14 years ago

I’m going to cut right to the chase on this one. Trust me, if you don’t want people to look…