How To Boost Employee Morale

Keeping employees happy can be more difficult than you might expect. Sure, there are practical things that employees want and need such as a competitive salary and benefits. However, maintaining  employee enthusiasm isn't always that simple. Here are some techniques to help boost employee morale:

Show Your Appreciation
Sometimes all an employee needs is some recognition. In fact, a study by Accenture reported that 43 percent of workers credited "lack of recognition" for their unhappiness in the workplace. Unfortunately, this feeling oftentimes drives workers to look for a new job. Some offices believe that no news is good news, but that isn't the same for all employees. There are small, yet effective ways to show your appreciation for the people at your office.

For instance, taking the time to extend your gratitude toward someone sounds small, but it can go a long way. If your company has a monthly or quarterly meeting, make a slideshow of all of the positive things that happened over the course of that time. Call out specific employees and touch on things they did right. In addition, highlight new hires and promotions so that everyone feels like they are being acknowledged in the place they go five out of seven days a week. You'll be surprised by the positive impact that it will make.

Insist on Lunch Breaks
Oftentimes, employees get caught up in the work day and either end up skipping lunch or eating it at their desk. However, staying at a desk all day long can hinder productivity and creative thinking. You've probably heard that workers should be getting up to walk around often, but lunchtime is also a necessity. People don't have to eat to reap the benefits of a break, and it doesn't have to fall in the strict time category from 12-1 p.m. Granted, you can't force anything on your employees in the office, but you can take steps to encourage lunch breaks. For instance, be sure to keep the break room clean and fully stocked. To really make things special, you can order in catering once a week so that workers have an excuse to leave their desks. Or, take everyone out for lunch. It doesn't have to be far – just so people get the opportunity to stretch their legs.

Send a Holiday Card
Times get stressful in the office during the holidays. Plenty of people are taking paid time off, and everyone is preparing for upcoming seasonal events. However, having your company send a collective holiday card can get everyone into the spirit of the season and generate more enthusiastic at work. Be sure that everyone in the office signs it, and you can mail it out to all your clients and important contacts. 

On the other hand, encourage employees to bring in their family holiday cards as well. Nothing makes an office feel more homey than one that's filled with happy, smiling pictures. Everyone will love to get a look at employee's beautiful families, and it can help create conversation. People in the office can chat about the ages of kids, where people were when they took their holiday photo or how much littles ones look like their parents. 

Be Lenient During The Winter
There's not much more that people hate than braving cold weather to head into the office. If your business is in an area that gets harsh winters, be sure to implement a lenient policy for weather. The last thing you want is someone endangering his or herself while trying to get into the office. Have your employees work from home, or offer come-in-late or leave-early policies so everyone feels like their company truly cares about their safety. 

Cindy Berrier

Cindy is the Customer Care and Operations Manager at 123Print. A native New Englander, Cindy now resides in Pennsylvania. She enjoys helping our customers and ensuring that the website runs smoothly. When she has downtime, she likes to spend time with her grandchildren and ride horses. Any questions, please contact her at [Check out Cindy on Google+]

Published by
Cindy Berrier

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