Depending on the type of wedding you are planning, you may expect kids to be a huge part of the celebration, a necessary “evil,” or you may want them completely excluded from the equation. Some people view weddings as an adult-only affair and, if that’s how you feel, that’s totally understandable. It is your day, after all. However, many people, myself included, have small children in their family that they wanted to share in their celebration. For example, my two nephews are a huge part of my life and I wanted them to be included in a special way. Often children can provide levity to what can be a stressful time, plus, they are always good for a certain “cuteness factor.” So, before you write “Adults Only” on your invitations, read on for five easy and fun ways to include children at your wedding!

Assign Responsibilities Kids love to feel important and assigning them a special role in your wedding is sure to make them excited for the big day. Perhaps a little one could be the flower girl or ring bearer, or even help greet people as they arrive. At my wedding, the little ones loved waving the ribbon wands as we walked back up the aisle as husband and wife. Keep in mind though, since they are just kids, they will not always cooperate … check out this photo from our wedding for confirmation of this! The beauty of this is that kids are cute, so usually it’s funny or endearing, even if they are screaming through photos.
Create Activity Packets A great way to keep children entertained during the dinner part of the wedding is to create little activity packets. Include crayons, coloring books, or other items that children of that age group would enjoy. I actually included toy cars for the boys and coloring books for the girls, since my little nephews are too young to enjoy coloring. These little activity packets are easy to assemble and can be inexpensive, but will go a long way in keeping the kiddos occupied. Check out this great post about what to include in a kids’ activity packet.
Serve a Kids’ Meal Not only will kids prefer a kid-friendly meal, but so will your budget. Most wedding venues will offer a kids option. At my wedding, we served chicken fingers for the kids and the parents could specify if they wanted to have a green vegetable on the side or fries. The kids all enjoyed their meals and the parents could enjoy their “grown-up” food in peace.
Hire a Babysitter I know many couples who opt to have a babysitter on-site to keep the kids occupied with activities. I was fortunate enough that some of our guests were willing to serve as quasi-babysitters. Everyone could be a part of the ceremony and part of the reception but when it gets a little late, the younger kids are going to be ready to head to bed. Having a quiet place for them to relax or even a relative or babysitter to take them back to the hotel is a great option.
Play a Movie If you don’t want to splurge on a babysitter but there is a small separate area at your venue, bring along a laptop and play a movie for the kids. Even better, assign a family member or friend this responsibility as you will not have time to remember this too! This way, the kids are entertained and their parents can still fit in a little dancing.
As you can see, there are lots of ways to make your wedding fun for kids without taking away anything from the bride and groom. Many people commented that our wedding was even more enjoyable because all of the kids were included. It really comes down to what you want as the bride and groom, though. It is your special day! I hope this post gave you some ideas about ways to include and entertain children at a wedding.
Brides, did you have kids at your wedding? Leave a comment and tell us how that turned out!