5 Creative Ways to Use Address Labels

Let’s face it, as much as some people want to admit it… the classic art form of writing a letter is vanishing. Those days of writing a letter to a loved one or friend are slowly being replaced with text messages, IMS and emails. So what does that mean? It means the common use of putting an address label on an envelope is becoming less and less useful. If you’re anything like my father, you refuse to do any sort of online banking or payments, so you still slip a check into an envelope and slap an address label on to save you a few seconds, and you see a lot of holiday address labels around Christmas but besides that, what do you even use an address label for these days?

DIY: Embellish Full-Color Wedding Invitations

So many of my friends are engaged and planning their weddings right now, that I often feel like suggesting that they pool their money together and have one giant wedding. I know they would all stare at me as if I had three heads and just spoke Greek to them, but it’s just a thought. Weddings are costly as we saw in The True Cost of a Wedding Knot, and in this economy that can definitely pose a problem.

4 Tips for Successful Mobile Email Marketing Campaigns

Maybe we’re jumping the gun here a little bit by assuming you’re already marketing to your customers via email, but that’s okay. We’ll be sure to double back and present tips and tricks (do’s and don’ts) regarding general email marketing messages at a later date. Right now, we want to focus on a growing hot topic – email marketing and the mobile phone.