With summer right around the corner (don’t let these 90 degree days fool you … it’s still Spring) it’s time to start thinking of unique, summer-themed marketing ideas to promote your business this season. Look no further, as we have 5 sure-fire ways to blast your business into success!
1. Partner with another company — When customers buy summer-related products from you, give them a little gift in return! Providing them with coupons for a free ice cream from the corner gelato shop, or half-price admission passes to the local water park, will not only give you business, but will also give business to another as well. This benefits everyone involved and customers will spread the word about your company’s incentives.
2. Get involved with the community — Whether you donate to a food drive, give money to charity or sponsor a little league sports team, you will be getting your name out to the public in a positive way. Showing people that you don’t just care about business profits will build a positive reputation for your company as well as boost morale for employees.
3. Incorporate summer themes in your marketing messages — Your company’s emails and social media should be conversational and light-hearted. So, gear these channels toward themes like summer road trips, summer sports or beach days, if appropriate. This will reiterate the summer-fun shenanigans that people enjoy.

4. Give customers summer tips, advice and other related information — It’s important to be professional and straightforward when it comes to dealing with the public, but there are also times when a fun and carefree attitude should shine through. Whether you set out tip cards at the register with information on how to stay safe in the sun, imbed a link in an email for yummy cookout recipes, or publish a newsletter with a list of family-friendly summer events at your local beach, customers will appreciate the more personal information.
5. Host a summer contest — Who doesn’t like free stuff? Um, no one! Host a summer contest through an email, social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or advertise right on your website or in your store. Reward them with in-store credit or a buy-one-get-one-free deal.
No matter if you are an online company or a well-known retail store, marketing your business in a unique way will allow you to continuously prosper. So, apply your sun screen, strap on your sandals and get ready for a fun-in-the-sun business adventure!
How are you promoting your business this summer? Let us know in the comments below.