Before I even start, let me first start by saying I do not condone playing Angry Birds while at work. I’m sure if I tried to play it here at 123Print, I’d face disciplinary action…
Yay Babies!
The folks here at 123Print are pretty fond of babies. Anytime somebody’s family drops by with a tiny little human in tow a crowd forms, lots of ooing and ahing ensues and the kid gets showered with attention, likely to the point of his or her annoyance. Hey, I said we’re fond of babies; not that they’re fond of us!
15 Halloween Costumes for Adults – That Aren’t Offensive!
The problem with Halloween costumes for adults is that they always seem to be offensive in one way or another. Women’s costumes are overly sexual and men’s costumes are overly grotesque…
11 Baby Costumes You Should Consider This Halloween
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No. Not the winter holidays where families get together, laugh, eat, be merry, and give each other gifts. No no. This is better. It’s the time of year where parents put their children in ridiculous (maybe awesome…) costumes for Halloween.
6 DOs and DON’Ts for Surviving the First Day at a New Job
We’ve all been there at some point or another. That awkward feeling of relief, excitement, caution and uncertainty all rolled into one big messy ball known as the first day on a new job…
7 Common Errors Found on Business Cards – Or Any Customizable Product, Really
Let’s get one thing straight. Sometimes our brains work faster than our fingers when it comes to typing. You know your phone number like the back of your hand. You know how to spell your name faster than someone who doesn’t have your name, and you know all of the contact information for your business and can rattle it off at the speed of light…
Shoot Your Own Christmas Card Portrait – Part 4
You’ve successfully turned your living room into a somewhat convincing Christmas-themed photo studio. Now comes the real fun – getting everyone in the family to pose decently and look at least somewhat happy about it – and framing it all up with the camera to get a great shot…
Steve’s Corner – Small Businesses: Are You Mobile?
Your customers are, are you?
In an era where there are more and more ways to reach and communicate with your customers and prospects, every day challenges us in how to connect and have meaningful dialogue…
Drive More Business with Reviews and Local Search
You’ve probably noticed that most of the time you search for something on Google these days you get results for local businesses and listings of reviews customers gave them. You may have used these reviews to make a purchase decision or even written a few yourself…
It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here…123Print’s Chili Cook Off
If there’s one thing most of us here at 123Print like to do it’s eat. We’ll turn pretty much anything into an excuse to put the feed bag on! As it turns out, lots of the folks here at 123Print are quite good at rustlin’ up decent grub too…