Alright all of you feline lovers, your time has come. The dogs had their time to shine. I’m well aware that trying to get a cat to allow you to put a costume on it is like trying to get a rubber band around Jell-O, but if you have patience and are willing to get hissed at or clawed at, then perhaps this Halloween you will dress your cat up…
Shoot Your Own Christmas Card Portrait – Part 3
OK, so you’ve found a room to shoot your Christmas card portrait in, you dug out some decorations to help give a festive feel and everyone has outfits selected. Now it’s time to figure out what to do with the photographic equipment you’ve also rounded up…
9 Halloween Costume Ideas for Your Dog
Just like with small children, Halloween is a time to dress your dog up in ridiculous costumes and snap as many pictures as you can before Fido starts having an issue. There’s the cliché dress your dog up as a hot dog, a dinosaur, or a pretty princess – but then there are the incredibly creative dog costumes…
Shoot Your Own Christmas Card Portraits – Part 2
Let’s face it, about the only thing that sets a Christmas portrait apart from any other family portrait is the fact that it clearly says “Christmas.” Any good family portrait tells the story of the family’s personality and bond; but when you’re putting a portrait on photo Christmas cards, the holiday is also part of the story that the photo needs to tell…
Shoot Your Own Christmas Card Portraits – Part 1
As one of the resident photographers here at 123Print a lot of people ask me how they can get the professional looking shots that the sales brochure for their fancy new camera alluded to…
Wedding Planning: 11 Little Things to Remember
While wedding planning should be one of the most exciting time in a bride-to-be’s life, I imagine it’s stressful. I was getting overwhelmed just doing research for this post.
There’s so much to organize, reserve, plan, and create when it comes to a wedding, but don’t get so caught up in the invitations, the dress, the flowers, and the cake… that you forget those extra little things that really make the day a success…
6 Proofreading Tips
“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.” – Oscar Wilde
Remember back when you were in high school and your teachers always stressed the importance of proofreading your work, because spelling and grammar counted…
Halloween Party Planning Tips and Inspirations
When you’re a kid, you count down the days until you can put on your costume and race from house to house collecting as much candy as you possibly can. It seems like a feast is sitting in your plastic pumpkin or pillow case. Life can’t get any better (at least until Christmas)…
Moms Unite – Go Postal!
Mothers Against Cruel and Inhuman E-Mail (MACIE) have united in an all out effort to save our Post Office from being shut down and succumbing to rapidly evolving technology. For years these dedicated mothers have been asking their children to call, write a letter, and drop a line all to no avail….
You Are Cordially Invited…to Scan This QR Code
By now just about everyone has seen those funky little white squares with random patterns of black speckles and dots. They’re on web sites, on coupons, in ads and on packages. They’re called quick response, or QR, codes…