Infographic: What Videos American Workers Admit to Watching on Their Mobile Phones

I don’t think it’s a secret that everyone has moments where they blatantly slack off at work. Maybe we talk on their cell five minutes longer than they should. Maybe we spend a little too much time checking their Facebook or Twitter feed. Maybe we linger on a news website too long under the guise of “research.” Maybe we sneak a glance at our cells and check out a few videos when we think no one is looking. Sneaky? Yes. Breaking some company rules? You bet! However, I think we all do it at some point or another.

Infographic: Anatomy of the Perfect Mobile Email

So we’ve covered email etiquette and words that may potentially toss your email into the spam folder, but let’s venture into a new territory, shall we? One that some people seem hesitant to get into because it’s so open and vast, so fresh and new… but it’s becoming more and more necessary. Mobile email.