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123Print Now Partnering with ResellerRatings

ResellerRatings.com, a leading merchant review platform listing more than 68,000 brands, has partnered with 123Print to generate real consumer reviews with the highest standards of quality and ethics. ResellerRatings will offer first-hand customer accounts of their experience with 123Print to help future shoppers.

ResellerRatings Logo

We are in the process of transferring recent 123Print reviews to our online merchant page, so a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has ever submitted a review (both good and bad) for 123Print! Any customer feedback is invaluable to us — it helps us each and every day to evaluate what is working and what isn’t, and what the next step is to ensure 100% customer satisfaction!

Some questions you may have …

Does 123Print have control over which reviews appear on their ResellerRatings page?
Definitely not! As long as the user submitting their review has a verified email address and does not violate one of ResellerRatings’ policies, every review submitted to ResellerRatings will appear on our merchant page.

How do I submit a review for 123Print?
Visit 123Print’s merchant page on ResellerRatings’ website and click “Write a Review.” You will also have the opportunity to review 123Print after completing a purchase. Note that as per ResellerRatings, you must register for an account. (It’s free!) We will try to respond to any comment that comes in with a poor rating in a timely fashion.

How long do reviews take to show up?
It normally takes around 48 hours for a new review to appear.

Can I change a review once it’s posted?
Yes! Simply log in to ResellerRatings.com and find your review.

Find answers to more frequently asked questions here: www.resellerratings.com/faqs

A HUGE thank you to our Customer Care and Operations Manager Cindy, who made it all happen! (Or, as she is called in the office now, “Five Star Cindy.”)

123Print Five Star Cindy

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