Steve’s Corner – Small Businesses: Are You Mobile? PT 2

Smart devices are taking over! Get used to it. What are doing about it? How are you taking advantage of it?

Comscore, a leader in measuring the digital world, just released a mobile usage study stating that 7% of all U.S digital traffic is now coming from smart phones and tablets. This is just an amazing transformation for connecting with your customers.

10 Ways to Improve the Quality and Visibility of Your Linkedin Profile

When partners, co-workers or potential employers search for your name, what social profile would you prefer them to see? If you’re a small business owner or white-collar professional; chances are you’d prefer them to see your Linkedin profile. Why? Because it’s real! You can’t fake a good Linkedin profile.

16 Words That May Toss Your Email into the Spam Folder

Spam. People hate it and wish it would just stop showing being delivered to them at all. No. I’m not talking about the food. I’m talking about those annoying emails from a Nigerian prince who needs your help escaping his country, because there are elephants banging down his castle door with pitchforks and Super Soaker guns, and in return for your help he will wire you $15,000…

Understanding QR Codes for Your Business’ Sake

A QR (Quick Response) code, when scanned with a cell phone camera, can serve as an informational marketing tool. The code itself can contain information like a URL, a map to your storefront, a YouTube video or a Tweet. Some scanning applications can even trigger actions on the phone like automatically surfing to a website (, sending SMS (text) messages, or drafting an e-mail…