Black Friday Madness – Business Style

Every year it seems that major retailers “leak” their Thanksgiving Day ads for Black Friday deals earlier and earlier. Yep, here we are, more than two weeks away from the most wonderful shopping day of the year and you can probably already find most retailers’ ads for it online with a quick search. Unfortunately, ever since posting of “leaked” Black Friday sale ads became a phenomenon a few years back, the stupendous offers and once-in-a-lifetime door buster savings they carry seem to get less and less exciting. That is unless you plan on spending Black Friday shopping for stuff for your micro business.

Invitation Etiquette – Holiday Edition

You don’t need me to tell you that the holidays are rapidly approaching. The malls are decorated and surely you’ve seen at least one Black Friday or Christmas commercial reminding you that time is running out to get your shopping done. Personally, the holidays don’t start for me until I see the famous Hershey’s Kisses Christmas commercial. Growing up, that was always the key that soon I’d be gorging myself on turkey and after that Santa would be visiting.

Think Before You Font

Sometime around the end of last week I walked into the office and before I could even sit down at my desk my colleague and fellow 123Print writer Shannon was all but levitating off the ground in a state of near-panic. “You have to look at the new calendars page on the site right away,” she exclaimed nearly breathless. I expected that maybe there was a typo we didn’t catch in proofing, perhaps an honest misspelling that spell-check “fixed” into a NSFW four-letter word, but no. It was worse. Right there in the headline was the most egregious of all things typography – the headline font was Comic Sans.

Infographic: Carbonite Small Business Disasters

What’s one of the worst case scenarios that you and your small business could face? What would you do if someone broke into your office and stole or destroyed all of your computers – the computers that had valuable information and data? Financials, important contacts, contractual agreements, business plans and models etc., all gone. Do you have a way to gain any of it back?

Harry Potter Goes into the Vault – A Vent About Scarcity Marketing

I got some bad news this week. Warner Bros has decided to follow in Disney’s evil footprints (I use the term “evil” in jest. I absolutely love Disney and everything about them.) and declared that as of December 29th, 2011… all of the Harry Potter movies will be put in the “vault.” WHAT?! BACK UP! Warner Bros has a vault?! You mean I won’t be able to get my beloved HP DVDs any time I want?

11 Tacky Wedding Dresses That May Make You Cringe

I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear about a wedding I immediately imagine something classy and glamorous, with a touch of the couple’s style. That touch may be brought out by colors, music selections, how they styled their invitations, or how they do their wedding vows – but sometimes people really go overboard to make their wedding their own.

4 Holiday Promotion Ideas for Service-Oriented Small Businesses

I hear you screaming from here – “Holiday promotions? It’s not even Halloween yet!” and in a way you’re right. It is a little early for Holiday promotions, but that’s also the point; now’s the time to start thinking about what you’re going to do and how you’re not going to get lost amongst all of the multi-million dollar campaigns the big boys are going to run between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Infographic: Anatomy of the Perfect Mobile Email

So we’ve covered email etiquette and words that may potentially toss your email into the spam folder, but let’s venture into a new territory, shall we? One that some people seem hesitant to get into because it’s so open and vast, so fresh and new… but it’s becoming more and more necessary. Mobile email.