Infographic: Carbonite Small Business Disasters

What’s one of the worst case scenarios that you and your small business could face? What would you do if someone broke into your office and stole or destroyed all of your computers – the computers that had valuable information and data? Financials, important contacts, contractual agreements, business plans and models etc., all gone. Do you have a way to gain any of it back?

Infographic: Anatomy of the Perfect Mobile Email

So we’ve covered email etiquette and words that may potentially toss your email into the spam folder, but let’s venture into a new territory, shall we? One that some people seem hesitant to get into because it’s so open and vast, so fresh and new… but it’s becoming more and more necessary. Mobile email.

Steve’s Corner – Small Businesses: Are You Mobile? PT 2

Smart devices are taking over! Get used to it. What are doing about it? How are you taking advantage of it?

Comscore, a leader in measuring the digital world, just released a mobile usage study stating that 7% of all U.S digital traffic is now coming from smart phones and tablets. This is just an amazing transformation for connecting with your customers.

Looking for Inspiration? Climb Out of Your Familiar Rut

It happens to the best of us. We start out in our adult lives and careers wide-eyed, excited and eager to take in as much as we can; we’re hungry to try new things, we tackle challenges of all sorts and do what we can to forge ahead and grow in whatever it is we do. And grow we do. Along the way, as we grow, we refine our expectations and we focus – often leading to some level of success that comes pre-packaged with some level of comfort. We settle in, we settle down and before we know it…

Top 9 Email Pet Peeves and How to Avoid Them

Email – it may not play a huge role in your personal life any longer, but in the workplace it still reigns supreme despite the fact that it’s really about as arcane as passing memos around the office in manila envelopes. If you’re anything the folks here at 123Print you get a ton of email from colleagues and eventually it’s bound to happen. Certain common things people do in, and with, email is going to grate on your nerves!

10 Ways to Improve the Quality and Visibility of Your Linkedin Profile

When partners, co-workers or potential employers search for your name, what social profile would you prefer them to see? If you’re a small business owner or white-collar professional; chances are you’d prefer them to see your Linkedin profile. Why? Because it’s real! You can’t fake a good Linkedin profile.