4 Tips for Successful Mobile Email Marketing Campaigns

Maybe we’re jumping the gun here a little bit by assuming you’re already marketing to your customers via email, but that’s okay. We’ll be sure to double back and present tips and tricks (do’s and don’ts) regarding general email marketing messages at a later date. Right now, we want to focus on a growing hot topic – email marketing and the mobile phone.

Infographic: Do You Need a Social Media Detox?

Most experts agree that social media has revolutionized the way people interact with one another. Yet, for all its benefits, it has a dark side: creeping addictiveness. It often starts at a young age, with nothing more than a harmless, occasional status update. Upon adulthood, however, it explodes into a full-blown debilitating condition

Infographic: Carbonite Small Business Disasters

What’s one of the worst case scenarios that you and your small business could face? What would you do if someone broke into your office and stole or destroyed all of your computers – the computers that had valuable information and data? Financials, important contacts, contractual agreements, business plans and models etc., all gone. Do you have a way to gain any of it back?

Infographic: Anatomy of the Perfect Mobile Email

So we’ve covered email etiquette and words that may potentially toss your email into the spam folder, but let’s venture into a new territory, shall we? One that some people seem hesitant to get into because it’s so open and vast, so fresh and new… but it’s becoming more and more necessary. Mobile email.

Understanding QR Codes for Your Business’ Sake

A QR (Quick Response) code, when scanned with a cell phone camera, can serve as an informational marketing tool. The code itself can contain information like a URL, a map to your storefront, a YouTube video or a Tweet. Some scanning applications can even trigger actions on the phone like automatically surfing to a website (www.123print.com), sending SMS (text) messages, or drafting an e-mail…