Today’s topic deals with the Operational side of the business for all of you current and future entrepreneurs out there. Typically, when we think of purchasing an existing business or opening our own business, our initial thought is how to…
Spring brings extended daylight hours and the opportunity for time outdoors. Do you want to be working late on these nice days? No? Then you’ll need to …
Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business
Rejoice! Today is National Pie Day! You’re probably saying to yourself, “Who knew?!” However, these fun, offbeat holidays can be a creative way to promote your brand, pique customers’ curiosity, and increase business with special promotions. These interesting holidays…
Goal Setting – Set your road map for a successful 2015
Today’s 123Print blog shares information on an important small business concept — goal setting. One of the most critical tasks for the new year is to set goals for the coming year. Why? Just a thought — do you set out…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Cookie exchanges, pumpkin pies, Santa’s sleigh and … your company’s office party. As fun and festive as a holiday party can be, they can also be stressful for a small business…
The Key to Effective Communication and Better Company Meetings
Communication is one of the keys to small business success. Communication impacts execution, profitability, and most importantly, growth. As a leader, it’s imperative that you share updates about the current state of the business, and lay out the direction/vision…
Going Up! How to Develop an Elevator Pitch for Your Business
Wherever you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey, developing and fine-tuning your business’ elevator pitch is one of the most important things you’ll do. Your elevator pitch allows you to give prospects a snapshot of your business. You’ve got only…
9 Easy Tips to Stay Focused and Be Productive
If you’re like many small- and medium- sized business owners, time is your enemy — there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Focus becomes the key element to your day-to-day productivity, and with the…
Surveying the Competitive Landscape: A Competitive Analysis Checklist
Are you thinking about adjusting your retail pricing? Introducing a new product? Shortening your turnaround times? Before you proceed on any one of these important marketing strategies — which will also directly impact your financials — it’s critical to…
Secrets of Success: 5 Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Startup Advice
Jiminy Cricket would have you believe that all you have to do is make a wish, and your dreams will come true. What a croc. The truth is that dreams are a fine place to start, but unless you…